James Brownlow & Francis Marion,
Sons of James Marion Carter & Winnie (Bunch)
James Brownlow (Sep 8 1867 - ) married
Unknown Ryder on Feb 6 1880
Francis Marion Carter (Feb 1878 - Dec 4 1962)

John Madison Carter
Son of Dillacy Carter
(May 5 1885 - Sep 3 1935)


Laura Frances
(Apr 2 1876 - Jun 29 1949)
Daughter of Dillacy Carter
& her cousin
Benjamin F. Hopson
(Apr 23 1877 - )
Son of Lieurinday Hopson
Tintype, 1890


This tintype was found in the effects of
Ernest Moody Hopson. No identification.
Please check your photos for a match.
Must be Carters or Hopsons or both.
1885 - 1890 clothing style.
